Paziņojums par Jūsu
personas datu apstrādi

Vītolu fonda padomes sēde, Protokols Nr. 05/18

  1. 0.1.

    Hereinafter used terms have the following meaning:
    Vītolu fonds - Foundation "Vītolu fonds", reg. no. 40008066477, legal address Lāčplēša iela 75B, Rīga, LV-1011 ("Vītolu fonds", "us", "our"). Vītolu fonds has acquired the status of public benefit organisation on 12 May, 2005 (Ministry of Finance Republic of Latvia decision No. 117);
    Vītolu fonds' objective - in compliance with the statutes of the foundation, provide support for capable, dedicated low-income Latvian adolescents to study in a higher education institution with our own and donated funds;
    Donor - legal or natural person which supports Vītolu fonds' objective with financial resources (in form of donation, grant or financing);
    Candidate - natural person who has voluntarily provided an application for a scholarship in Vītolu fonds;
    Scholarship recipient - natural person who has been granted a scholarship by Vītolu fonds, and who has entered a legal scholarrship donation agreement;

  1. 1.1.

    To realise your collaboration with Vītolu fonds, we shall collect your personal data, including your name, surname, photo, contact info, information on your skills, qualification, education and grades, family and income state, provided recommendations, information included in the Curriculum Vitae, banking information, disability group (if one exists) and incoming/outgoing e-mail correspondence with Vītolu fonds. All aforementioned information is considered "Personal data".

  2. 1.2.

    Providing your personal data to Vītolu fonds is voluntary. However, if you do not provide certain information, we might be unable to realise some of the functions listed in this statement.

  3. 1.3.

    In case your personal data is processed with your permission, you have the right to revoke this permission at any time. It shall not affect the lawfulness of data processing done before such revoking.

  4. 1.4.

    Vītolu fonds is the data handler and is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

  5. 1.5.

    We protect your privacy and confidentiality of your data, conducting all necessary actions required by relevant legislature. Vītolu fonds ensures, regularly reviews and updates protection measures to protect personal data from unsanctioned access, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction. To ensure this, Vītolu fonds utilises modern technologies, and technical and organisational solutions.

  1. 2.1.

    Your personal data could be used for Vītolu fonds' objective to:

    1. 1)Review your application;
    2. 2)Evaluate you between other candidates and scholarship recipients;
    3. 3)Evaluate your eligibility for a scholarship on the basis of awarding criteria;
    4. 4)Contact you;
    5. 5)Enter a scholarship donation agreement;
    6. 6)Adhere to requirements of relevant legislative, administrative and accounting regulations;
    7. 7)Protect the legal interests of Vītolu fonds and donors;
    8. 8)Prepare a report to a donor for use of finances;
    9. 9)Gather statistics on use of finances and achieved results;
    10. 10)Reach goals of societal importance;
    11. 11)Respond to legal or other dispute resolution procedures, audits, or requests for information from government agencies and public authorities.
  2. 2.2.

    We will not use your personal data for purposes that are incompatible with the aforementioned purposes, not approved with your permission, or in cases where it is not required by applicable law.

  1. 3.1.

    Your personal data is processed in accordance with the following legal provisions:

    1. 1)General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") Article 6 (1). paragraph a). (your consent);
    2. 2)GDPR Article 6 (1). paragraph b). (taking steps prior to entering the contract);
    3. 3)GDPR Article 6 (1). paragraph c). (compliance with legal obligations);
    4. 4)GDPR Article 6 (1). paragraph d). (law-dictated legal duty);
    5. 5)GDPR Article 6 (1). paragraph e). (in public interest);
    6. 6)GDPR Article 6 (1). paragraph f). (our legitimate interests);
    7. 7)GDPR Article 9 (2). paragraph a). (your explicit consent for processing specified personal data).
  1. 4.1.

    Your personal data can be fully or partially received by:

    1. 1)the direct donors of the scholarship who make the decision of providing financial support and donating for scholarships;
    2. 2)Vītolu fonds' council, which reviews scholarship applications;
    3. 3)Third-party service providers who provide services to us, such as e-mail services, accounting programme and data storage services.
  1. 5.1.

    We will store your personal data as long as necessary for accomplishing the aforementioned objectives, in accordance with information safety and confidentiality requirements.

  2. 5.2.

    In case you receive a scholarship in our partnership, your personal data will be stored in accordance with our practice of personal data processing for scholarship recipients, entering into a scholarship contract and informing you accordingly.

  3. 5.3.

    If legal proceedings arise, personal data will be stored until resolution of such legal proceedings, including potential court appeals, and deleted afterwards.

  1. 6.1.

    Cookies are small-scale text files that are created and saved by Vītolu fonds and the webpage user's device (computer, tablet, mobile phone etc.) upon entering the webpage of Vītolu fonds ( Vītolu fonds does not use or analyse information stored in cookies besides the functional and required purposes provided by the administrator of the webpage.

  2. 6.2.

    If a visitor of the webpage wishes to deny use of cookies, it can be done through web browser settings. Deletion of saved cookies is possible in the settings of the web browser, deleting history of saved cookies.

  1. 7.1.

    deletion, restriction of processing, or to object to your personal data processing, utilize your rights to data portability, or to provide other objections in relation to your personal data processing, you can file a request at: or our location, Lāčplēša iela 75B, Rīga, LV-1011, phone: 26022856.

  2. 7.2.

    If you believe the processing of your data is not compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (ES) 2016/679 requirements, you have the right to contact Data State Inspectorate or a court to protect your rights and interests.